Process optimization

Based on our experience as professionals in the management of processes based on physical and digital documents, DOCSOLUTIONS offers its customers a business process consulting approach, which allows organizations to design ad-hoc processes to achieve desired impact results.

With a focus on our customer’s strategic objectives and a commitment to achieve expected results, DOCSOLUTIONS carries out a consulting process prior to the project´s kick-off and an iterative process during implementation and execution, generating impact indicators that allow us to measure that solutions are effective with respect to the proposed objectives. Our consulting process contemplates the following cornerstones:





This process allows information on physical media to be converted into a digital resource to be processed, stored or distributed in electronic devices or information systems. As this is the initial step of a series of processes, it is important to adequately manage output.

DOCSOLUTIONS is a strong leader in Mexico when it comes to digitization processes and document management, having processed millions of documents in a number of ways, such as:

• Centralized mass digitization, through high volume industrialized processes.

• Distributed digitization, controlled by cloud platforms

• Digitization of books, charts, and historical documents

• ID digitization

• Mobile capture and digitization

Document Storage and Management

Physical and electronic documentation represents evidence of acts that must be preserved according to the guidelines of organizations regarding their own policies or derived from the provisions of the corresponding authorities.

DOCSOLUTIONS offers professional document storage and management, both physical and electronic, in an optimal and efficient manner, as an on-demand service, thus minimizing the need for organizations to incur large investments in technology, infrastructure and human capital for proper control of their documentation.

With 5 Hubs for document storage and processing nationwide, more than 400 thousand square feet of physical space and more than 500TB of information stored in our own and outsourced data centers, DOCSOLUTIONS guarantees the highest levels of security in terms of confidentiality, availability and integrity of the information it manages for its customers.

For the physical protection, we provide document protection in containers, open files or in high security vaults for magnetic media or valuable documents that require additional safety and security conditions. The information can be accessed based on established service levels when required.

For electronic documentation storage, DOCSOLUTIONS developed DOCFLOW®, a document management platform, which allows secure access to your information from any location, maintaining its storage in world-class data centers, with a high availability infrastructure supported by its certifications issued by the “International Computer Room Experts Association (ICREA)” in its levels III and V.

In addition to backup services, DOCSOLUTIONS offers consulting services, file inventory, physical destruction and other related services, all of which comply with our certified standards of quality, security and service management.

Databases Capture / Generation

Managing information from various sources and formats is a challenge in any organization today. Thousands of emails, invoices, applications, authorizations, delivery records, visit reports, attendance records, and supporting documentation for organizational processes are received daily in any type of format, such as photocopies, scanned documents, among others.

Organizations must have platforms and processes in place to allow them to extract from such documentation.

DOCSOLUTIONS operates by integrating specialized technology for automated information extraction (including Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning), and experienced personnel that capture exceptions, through a robust backoffice that integrates personnel, systems, and structured operational processes.

With this, data are injected to the corresponding flow to be used, generating exploitable databases, integrating the information through web services with our customers’ systems.

BPO / Back-Office

In many organizations, the challenge of maintaining structured, controlled and optimized document processes in terms of quality, time and cost is often very complex. In particular, if you have to deal with volume peaks, short service levels, high security levels, or high transactionality.

DOCSOLUTIONS operates as the most robust back-office in Mexico. Integrating technology, specialized personnel and strict certified document control processes, we offer our customers an end-to-end solution to outsource their document management processes according to agreed service levels.

Experts in Business Process Outsourcing, focused on highly document-intensive processes, DOCSOLUTIONS provides solutions for online data validation on a real-time platform, validation and interconnection with third party services (i.e. INE, RENAPO, black lists, etc), validations of correct and complete integration of physical documentation, signature validations, and identity validation using biometric features, third party service desk, among others.

By outsourcing their back-office with DOCSOLUTIONS, customers reduce their operating costs, reduce error-related risks and failures regarding internal control of their documentation, significantly improve customer service times, enhance the end-user experience, enabling better customer and revenue outreach, and gain visibility, governance and continuity of operation.

Nearshore Services

DOCSOLUTIONS offers North American based companies document processing related BPO support and technology development, configuration and implementation capabilities tapping into a vast pool of highly talented labor force that translate into cost efficiencies and agility for organizations in need of skilled and capable resources.

The combination of domain expertise around document management and automation practices together with specialized infrastructure and certified training and certification practices provides an unmatched offer for US and Canada based needs in times of talent shortage and digital transformation acceleration.



• Entry and verification of online data, images or fragments (information extracts).

• Convert any input format into a structured database.

•Customized workflows, BPM or CASE MANAGEMENT for a better customer experience.

• Intelligent data capture / forms and template auto-completion.

• Data integrity and consistency analysis, with business rules management.

• Security certified under ISO 27000 standards.

Call us at (800) DS 10 000 or write us at

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“Information processing, publication, consultation and management services, data and image transfer to customers in accordance with provisions of the Service Catalogue”.


Security Management System for Information that belongs to the company, its employees and customers that is managed by DOCSOLUTIONS throughout its lifecycle, including the processes of inventory creation, data base development, analysis and validation, software development, imaging, dynamic physical and electronic document and records management and storage, documents destruction, receivables transferring to third parties, implementation of customized document management processes; backup tape storage and rotation, promotional material management and fulfillment, as well as the inherent subprocesses, activities and products involved and derived from these processes” managing under statement
of applicability SOP-FO-32 Rev. 2 dated 2/NOV/2020.

“Processes for the administration, custody, organization, debugging, inventory and destruction of files and documents; hard and electronic copies of files management; dynamic files and documents; digitization and electronic administration of documents; development, analysis and validation of databases; systems design and development; delivery and reception of portfolio support documents; implementation of individualized document management processes; administration of computer tape and disk backups; advertising materials administration, as well as sub-processes and products or services derived thereof”.


“Servicios de procesamiento, publicación, consulta y administración de información, transferencia de datos e imágenes a clientes de acuerdo a lo establecido en el Catálogo de Servicios”.

“La información propiedad del cliente, de la empresa o datos personales de sus trabajadores que se administre bajo responsabilidad de DOCSOLUTIONS en los procesos de administración, guarda y custodia, organización, depuración, inventariado y destrucción de archivos y documentos, administración física y electrónica de archivos, expedientes y documentos dinámicos, digitalización y administración electrónica de documentos, desarrollo, análisis y validación de bases de datos, diseño y desarrollo de sistemas, entrega y recepción de documentos soporte de cartera, implementación de procesos individualizados de gestión documental, administración de respaldos de cintas y discos de cómputo, administración de materiales promocionales, así como los subprocesos y productos o servicios que se deriven de ellos. Administrado bajo la declaración de aplicabilidad SOP-FO-32 Rev. 2 de fecha 2/NOV/2020.

“Los procesos de administración, guarda y custodia, organización, depuración, inventariado y destrucción de archivos y documentos, administración física y electrónica de archivos, expedientes y documentos dinámicos, digitalización y administración electrónica de documentos, desarrollo, análisis y validación de bases de datos, diseño y desarrollo de sistemas, entrega y recepción de documentos soporte de cartera, implementación de procesos individualizados de gestión documental, administración de respaldos de cintas y discos de cómputo, administración de materiales promocionales, así como los subprocesos y productos o servicios que se deriven de ellos”.